Caring for our planet

We are aware that if we are to safeguard our planet’s resources, it is crucial for us to take up the responsibility to steward our environment wisely. With the planet crisis, we are keen to do our part to stop the damage and restore its health by starting it at our company first.

The trees that we plant around our factories

We have been planting many trees around our factories, as we are aware that trees can improve our air quality. Besides, we also practice the 3R concept which is to reduce, reuse and recycle. Our management has been creating awareness among our employees by encouraging us to go paperless or to print out both sides if it is really necessary or even print on recycled papers. This is because we want to reduce paper usages as the impact of paper usage on the environment is severe. Though it might seem like a little thing, little things often go a long way.

We minimize the usage of papers as much as possible